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Fair programme 2023

Turi Rapisarda. PHOTOS

Pavilion C

The exhibition collects part of Turi Rapisarda's photographic research through works printed with silver salts, created by the artist between the eighties and nineties, where concepts, emotions and technique flow into a melancholy lyricism.


The works of Rapisarda, an unconventional artist, manage to convey apparently distant emotions and feelings, creating that important union between art and life that is fundamental for works of art. A lyrical and poignant component is accompanied by a strong social criticism underlined by the depth created by the contrast between black and white. The artist uses the portrait as a composite tool, his are not simple photographs but multifaceted stories about the complex drama of the world.


Rapisarda, capable of transforming life into work, reality into history, everyday life into eternity. The exhibition highlights the artist's ability to always maintain a careful analysis aimed at humanity, which often appears fragile and vulnerable.

Opera Viva Barriera di Milano, the Manifesto

9th edition 

“Luigi, the poster worker”

A project by Alessandro Bulgini



Sergio Cascavilla

Gianluca and Massimiliano De Serio (with the collaboration of Giovanni Astorino) 

Turi Rapisarda

Luigi Gariglio

Pierluigi Pusole

Alessandro Bulgini


Opera Viva Barriera of Milan, the Manifesto is the urban art project created in 2015 by Alessandro Bulgini. This exhibition format, over the years, has brought more than 50 international artists to Turin, interpreters of the 6x3 meter space (cimasa public billboards 50560) which stands out in Piazza Bottesini in Turin in the Barriera district of Milan.
From the first edition, all the images were then brought together in a single exhibition on the occasion of Flashback Art Fair with the aim of bringing the periphery back to the centre. 

For the 2023 edition, entitled “Opera Viva, Luigi the poster worker” Alessandro Bulgini focuses on the concept of reversal: no curatorial figure, just the artists and Luigi, the poster worker, who hung all the images upside down. A real reversal of roles and vision, where the artistic gesture and conventional space are questioned.




Pavilion B

Third floor

Edited by Alessandro Bulgini

in collaboration with the Metropolitan City of Turin

A collective and choral work, where history, emotions, art and life intertwine to give voice to that multitude of worlds that have intertwined in the rooms of the structure, a former orphanage in Turin, through glimpses of the stories of some of the protagonists who, in firsthand, they experienced that place like the children, now adults, the nannies, the employees of the facility.


Works in the park 

A participatory project that aims to build an artistic park in progress within the ecosystem, alive and in constant metamorphosis. The works of art are inserted into the space to remain and "take root", giving life to a harmonious fusion where everything that conforms comes from the dialogue between the artist and the habitat. 

The works: 

Roots pipeline (2022) by Francesca Casale

Chairs in space (1995) by Fabio Cascardi

Mushroom Forest (2023) with the artist Michel Vecchi

Tout se tient (2023) by Luisa Raffaelli  


Former Institute for Children of the Province of Turin

Pavilion C roof

Artist's light - Constellation

Alessandro Bulgini's work was born from the spirit of welcome to those who were born in the structure - a former orphanage of the Province of Turin - more than forty years ago, giving them a space to meet and get to know each other.


Pavilion A 

PART I - The 17 artist rooms created between winter 2022 and autumn 2023 to reactivate the spaces of Palazzina A. 


PART II- The rooms are given up for adoption through a call to associations operating in the Piedmont area.

The project aims to give a voice to artists and associations, putting the territory, artistic creation and life at the headquarters of Flashback Habitat at the centre, a complex place, full of history and stories.


Giulia Berra with Topografia dell'Attesa, Sarah Bowyer with Fratelli di culla, Elena Corradi with What does it mean to care?, Fannidada with Tracce (2022), Paolo Galetto with “civuoleunainfinitapazienzaperspettireciochenonaccademai”, Maria Luigia Gioffrè with Casa Madre, Carlo Gloria with Andrea's dream, Vittoria Mazzonis with Sui Sensi e sull Emozioni, Luca Oliviero with Radio Silenzio, Germain Ortolani & Claudia Vetrano with In Loco, THEM (Lorenzo Petrone and Rossana Misuraca) with Still Life, Luisa Raffaelli with Spill, Rebalance, Mend, Mery Rigo with The Adoption, La Foresta Siamo Noi, Beatrice Sacco with The past is something that can see but not can touch, Bernat Sansò with In balia, Michele Seffino with Phonotope #1.


Pavilion D

Memory and oblivion are two complementary entities. Remembering and forgetting are actions linked to what is intimate and personal that everyone carries with them and that they process throughout their life.
Qfwfq, the protagonist of the "coscomics" collected in the volume "La memoria del mondo" by Italo Calvino, is a character difficult to define whose memories tell stories which, as the author himself says in the introduction to the volume, "come out of the habits of imagination and also live everyday life in terms furthest from our experience".​​_22200000-0000-0000-0000-0000000 00222_​

..."I was a child and I had already noticed it, - said Qfwfq. - I knew the hydrogen atoms one by one, and when a new one popped up I understood it immediately. In my childhood days, to play , in the whole universe we had nothing but hydrogen atoms, and we did nothing but play with them, me and another child of my age..." (from the cosmicomic Giochi senza fine in "La memoria del mondo", Oscar Mondadori, Milan, 1997).

Thus, in a spiral of images, some Flashback Habitat windows will light up, animated by micro-stories, notes and visual stimuli inspired by Italo Calvino's "The Memory of the World" on the centenary of his birth.


fannidada with the operaThe spiral of time (2023), a video projection linked to intimacy rooted in memory inspired by the collection La memoria del mondo by Italo Calvino (1997). 


Edited by Mariachiara Guerra

The Flashback Lab 2023 projectMirror Reflection they are part of an educational program focused on art, active participation in cultural processes and the territory to promote knowledge of art and cultural heritage.

Workshop for families






upon reservation by

italians no longer have work, 2015_150x200cm pittuta, carbone su tela LIGHTER_edited.jpg
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