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The protection of your personal data is fundamental for us and we are committed to guaranteeing you a level of protection and security in compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679. We therefore invite you to read the following information, valid for the collection and processing of data, also through the website



The Data Controller of your personal data is Association situazione costruita, with registered office in Via Cernaia, 14 - 10122 Turin (TO) Italy, registered in the repertoire of economic activities (REA) of Turin with no. 1176076 CF and PIVA 10960230018, pec: , ordinary email:  (hereinafter the "Owner").



With reference to your personal data and the treatments necessary for the correct execution and management of the relationship with you, the Data Controller does not carry out any regular or systematic monitoring, nor large-scale processing of data, not even simply connected or ancillary to the main activities of the Data Controller. Consequently, no Data Protection Officer has been appointed in accordance with art. 37 EU Reg. 2016/679. For any information you can always contact the Data Controller at the following email address: .



The collection of your personal data is limited to the information strictly necessary to correctly manage the service requested from the Data Controller.

  • We collect the following personal data directly from the interested party:

      • Information for sending newsletters (name and surname, email address), the purpose of which is the activation and management of the newsletter service informing the Controller's activities.

      • Contact information (name and surname, personal details and personal data, email address), whose purpose is the delivery of information materials (postcards, invitations) of the Flashback event, art is all contemporary.

    • Information of the artists (name and surname, pseudonym / artistic name, gender, data and place of birth, residence, telephone, email address, website, data relating to the kind of artistic work carried out and examples of works created), whose purpose is to examine the artist's candidacy aimed at his participation in one or more exhibitions organized and curated by the Owner, to maintain contact with this particular category of Interested parties, also for future exhibitions and activities of the Owner, to give full and complete execution to the contract with the selected artists (e.g. exhibition and attribution of the work, creation of the catalog, etc.).

The legal bases of the aforementioned treatments are: the express consent of the interested party for sending all the informative newsletters; the sending in electronic, digital or paper form, of material relating exclusively to Flashbacks or services of the Data Controller, including any newsletters, (Article 6, § 1, letter a) of EU Reg. 2016/679).

We automatically collect the following data from the interested party with explicit consent through "banners" on the Site:

    • Navigation and preference information. The purposes of this collection and the related processing are aimed at ensuring optimal navigation performance and for the functionality of the Site; the collection of statistical data, therefore in anonymous and non-personal form. The legal bases of these treatments are: the express consent of the interested party for the sole profiling of preferences (Article 6, § 1, letter a) of EU Reg. 2016/679); the processing is necessary for the correct and optimal display, navigation and functioning of the Site from the chosen device of the interested party, the correct functioning of the Site being legitimate interest of the Owner and not hindering the pre-eminent interests, rights or fundamental freedoms of the interested party who, as user / customer of the Site, by browsing he also gives explicit consent to such automated processing (Article 6, § 1, lett. a) and f) of EU Reg. 2016/679). For any further information, see the "Information on cookies" below.

We do not collect any other information from you or use the data collected for purposes other than those indicated in this statement. The interested party will always be updated, by updating the Site and this information, the dedicated newsletters and specific information in the reserved area, of any new and / or additional data collections or treatments for different purposes.



As a default rule, your personal data are not disclosed, communicated or transferred to third parties and, on the contrary, will always be kept in a secure and confidential manner.

For the sole purpose of the correct execution of the requested services requested by you, and within the limits where this is strictly necessary, we will communicate the data to our suppliers for the correct performance of what is requested by the interested party, on the basis of the information provided by the same (eg. newsletter management). We will also proceed to communicate the data of the interested party when required by applicable law, for example in the fiscal and tax fields. We may need to communicate the data of the interested party to third parties in case of debt recovery or defense of the rights of the owner.

Beyond the foregoing, the dissemination, transmission, communication or transfer of data outside the Italian territory is not envisaged.



The personal data of the interested party aimed at sending newsletters will be stored and processed for the entire period desired by the interested party, until the request for cancellation.

The personal data of the interested party registered in the reserved area will be stored and processed for the entire period desired by the interested party, until the request for cancellation.

The personal data of the interested party relating to the application and selection procedures of the artists will be stored and processed until the request for cancellation.

Following the reasoned and admissible request for deletion of data by the interested party, the Data Controller will proceed to do so within and no later than 30 (thirty) days following the date of receipt of the request.

In any case, the Data Controller will keep all the documentation relating to the contracts concluded with the interested party, including the tax documentation, for the periods imposed by Italian and European legislation. This period, as a rule, is equal to 10 (ten) years from the execution of the contract.



With reference to the personal data collected by the Data Controller on the Site, the interested party can exercise all the following rights:

    • Access your personal data pursuant to art. 15 EU Reg. 2016/679. This right also includes the right to obtain a copy of the personal data collected and processed by the Data Controller. After verifying the legitimacy of the request, the Data Controller will release the requested information and a copy of the data. In the event of manifestly unfounded or excessive requests, also due to the reiteration of the same, the interested party must pay the Data Controller a reasonable cost contribution, to be compared to the administrative costs incurred by the Data Controller for processing the request.

    • Request the rectification of your personal data pursuant to art. 16 EU Reg. 2016/679. The Data Controller will communicate this correction to any recipients of personal data pursuant to art. 19 EU Reg. 2016/679, unless this is impossible or involves disproportionate efforts, the interested party remaining entitled to know the identity of the recipients themselves.

    • Request the cancellation of their personal data (so-called right to be forgotten) pursuant to and within the limits established by art. 17 EU Reg. 2016/679. The Data Controller will communicate this cancellation request to any recipients of personal data pursuant to art. 19 EU Reg. 2016/679, unless this is impossible or involves disproportionate efforts, the interested party remaining entitled to know the identity of the recipients themselves.

    • Request the limitation of the processing of your personal data pursuant to and within the limits established by art. 18 EU Reg. 2016/679. The Data Controller will communicate this limitation request to any recipients of personal data pursuant to art. 19 EU Reg. 2016/679, unless this is impossible or involves disproportionate efforts, the interested party remaining entitled to know the identity of the recipients themselves.

    • Oppose the processing of your personal data pursuant to and within the limits of art. 21 EU Reg. 2016/679. The Data Controller clearly makes a special "banner" available on the Site which requires the interested party explicit consent to the processing of their data for direct and indirect marketing purposes and for the profiling of purchase preferences.

    • Request the portability of your personal data, pursuant to and within the limits established by art. 20 EU Reg. 2016/679. The Data Controller reserves the right to verify the technical feasibility of the transmission to another data controller indicated by the Data Subject on a case-by-case basis.

  • Propose a complaint to a supervisory authority pursuant to art. 77 EU Reg. 2016/679.


The interested party may send their written requests regarding the exercise of their rights on personal data to the Data Controller at the following addresses:

Situation association built

Via Cernaia, 14 - 10122 Turin (TO) Italy



The exercise of the aforementioned rights will in no way prejudice the possibility of the interested party to register again on the Site and, more generally, to use the services of the Data Controller.


If you wish to obtain a copy of your data in compliance with the GDPR legislation, send us an email to the address

If you wish to delete your account in compliance with the GDPR legislation, send us an email at


Read also  INFORMATION FROM A SOURCE OTHER THAN THE INTERESTED PARTY (pursuant to Article 14 of EU Reg. 2016/679)

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